Ligia Jahn (Volunteer)
Businesswoman and maintainer of fauna. She worked in the photographic market for 18 years, was administrative director in a company importing machinery and supplies for developing photographs and commercial director of a network of photographic retail stores. In 1998, he founded Editora Photos, publishing two bimonthly periodicals and several photographic books. He currently manages Politrade Ltda, a company that invests in the real estate market for rental purposes. In 2010 he started a fauna maintenance project, the Refugio das Aves, now part of the Espaço Silvestre Institute. Click on here to view the complete curriculum.
Dr. Paula Schommer (Volunteer)
Vice president
She holds a PhD in Business Administration from Fundação Getúlio Vargas-SP. Master in Administration from the Federal University of Bahia and a degree in Business Administration from the University of Caxias do Sul. She is currently a professor of Public Administration at the State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC/ESAG), and a collaborating professor at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA ), next to the Center Interdisciplinary Development and Social Management (CIAGS). Voluntarily works with various civil society organizations and social projects. It is part of the National Network of Researchers in Social Management and the International Society for Third-Sector Research. Among its topics of interest in research are: co-production of the public good, accountability, governance, public management, social management, socio-territorial development and private social investment. Click on here to view the complete curriculum.
Eloiza Poletto (Volunteer)
Bachelor of Laws from Unipar and Univali Universities since 2006, technician in real estate transactions since 1997 and accredited by Creci since 2008 under number 13445. She currently works in two real estate companies: at Politrade Ltda she manages and manages commercial rentals and at Desc Imobiliária she sells properties of high standard. It also acts as an investor in the same field. Between 2002 and 2007 he managed the financial, administrative and human resources areas of a holding with 7 companies in the photographic industry.

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